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Our first events are starting in October 2019.
Film: Peanut Butter Falcon
Release date: October 18th 2019
Showing: Harraby Cummunity Theatre, Carlisle.
When: October 18th at 1pm
Cost: £5 per ticket
Soft Play: Reghed
When: October 21st
Where: Reghed soft play, Penrith at 11am.
Cost: FREE
A chance to chat with other parents from Cumbria Parent Carer Forum & have a relaxed, friendly play session with singing and signing to finish.
Lazer Tag: Aztec
When: October 30th
Where: Aztec, Carlisle at 5pm
Suitable for ALL ages.
sensory Session: Aura
Where: Aura Sensory, Kendal.
When: November 16th at 11am
cost: £3 per child
Suitable for ALL ages